This year we celebrate the 16th anniversary of Greenfest with hybrid events (in person + digital). Exclusive, different schedules and experiences.

Central theme for the 2023 Editions: The Regenerative Circular Economy and “Nature-Based Solutions”!


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Regenerative Circular Economy
and “Nature-Based Solutions”

The term “Nature-Based Solutions” refers to sustainable management and the use of its mechanisms to respond to the enormous socio-environmental challenges we face. The challenges include such urgent topics as combating climate change, access to clean water, pollution, food security, human health, loss of biodiversity, ecosystem degradation, climate migration and disaster risk management. The list of challenges could go on… and immediately include all the SDGs 2030, whose objectives have become even more demanding and complex with the covid-19 pandemic.

Nature is an authentic “living laboratory” that is about 4 billion years old and many of the solutions to the aforementioned challenges are, or could be, in deciphering natural mechanisms and their applicability to human well-being. Regeneration is one of its pillars, as is the decoding of the genome of fauna, flora, land and sea. Biomimicry, combining various disciplines of our knowledge and inspiration from nature, can be a powerful ally in overcoming challenges and contributing to a healthy transition to a regenerative circular economy, with inclusive, resilient and sustainable communities.

GREENFEST in Numbers

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Greenfest – Portugal’s largest sustainability event – is 15 years-old. Over the years, we have collected stories, ideas, inspiration, innovation and friends. We have gathered some of the best moments of this journey we have taken together to build a more sustainable home, country and planet.

This year, Greenfest is even more PLURAL, INTERGENERATIONAL AND DYNAMIC, investing in a program for different and varied target audiences, enhancing transformative experiences. Gather your family, friends and colleagues and join us.


Themes discussed

Every year, our focus is to bring together the best references in each specific area of ​​sustainability. Our goal is to continue to be the reference for sustainability in Portugal for the World, or from the World to Portugal

Climate Change

Green Houses

Green Community

Green Destinations


Circular Economy

Going Healthier

Green Food

Green Entrepreneurs

Green Culture


Activities and sessions for everyone!

A festival with families and companies in mind!

A movement where you will be able to share ideas and ideals.


Every year we seek to gather the best references from each aspect of sustainability, as well as experts from the various areas covered. Meet some of the speakers who participated in previous editions.

Miguel Poiares Maduro

Professor, Ex- Ministro Adjunto e do Desenvolvimento Regional

Luísa Schmidt

Socióloga e Investigadora Principal do ICS da ULisboa

Geninha Varatojo

Diretora do Instituto Macrobiótico Portugal

Erik Huss

CEO, Husstainability

Elvira Fortunato

Vice‐Reitora, Universidade Nova de Lisboa e Diretora, CENIMAT|i3N - Chief Scientific Advisor to European Commission

Carlo Ratti

Diretor do MIT Senseable City Lab

António Lucena de Faria

Fábrica de Startups

Ana Milhazes

Fundadora do movimento Lixo Zero Portugal



Founder of Greenfest and Bluefest


Conheça aqui outros Projetos Greenfest


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