Isabel Sousa
Isabel Sousa, PhD in Food Science from Nottingham University UK, associate professor with habilitation at the Department Biosystems Science Engineering from Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA)/ Universidade de Lisboa. Head of the LEAF (Linking Landscape Environment Agriculture and Food) research centre.
Pioneered the studies on Food Texture and Rheology in Portugal and set up the Food Rheology and Cereal Technology Labs to support research in these areas. Coordinator of the teaching areas at the Industry interface, her work is related to sustainability and efficiency, involved in projects with the Industry, by incorporating functional ingredients, from industry by-products and underexplored food sources, in staple foods, with strong impact on consumer’s wellbeing. With more than 80 ISI publications and several book chapters in Applied Food Rheology and Functional Foods. Expert evaluator for: i) the Eurostar/Eureka Secretariat; ii) the Research Executive Agency of EU and iii) the Danish Agency for Science Technology and Innovation.
Apresentação da Unidade de Investigação LEAF e de vários projetos em curso
Apresentação do LEAF, um Centro de Investigação do Instituto Superior de Agronomia, cuja missão é contribuir para uma sociedade sustentável através da investigação e inovação em toda a cadeia Agro-alimentar (por Isabel Sousa, coordenadora) e de projetos em curso pelos investigadores Amaia Nogales, Luísa Carvalho, Elsa Gonçalves, Elisabete Figueiredo, Cristina Moniz, Carla Duarte, Patrícia Vidigal, Anabela Raymundo, André Almeida, Luísa Carvalho, Antónia Macedo e Natália Cunha.